Nou Beauty Policy.

At Nou Beauty, we believe we should treat others how we would like to be treated. To do the right thing is our highest priority.

Before booking an appointment, we ask that you read ALL the information and policies below to ensure you are properly informed. It is imperative you understand everything prior to booking an appointment.

First, make sure you have already signed and dated the forms that are required for the service/s you are seeking. The forms are for the provider to determine if any contradictions may prevent the service/s from being performed. Your safety is important to us and with that, we may decline clients to get services done.

We also reserve the right to deny services to clients who are or may be: Infuriating, rude, discriminating, etc.

Nou Beauty understands that sometimes schedules change and therefore requests at least 24 hours notice when canceling or rescheduling your appointment. A $25 non-refundable deposit is required to secure your appointment slot. Appointments canceled within 24 hours or for which clients are a “No Call, No Show” will incur your deposit forfeited and a new deposit will be required to book another appointment/s.

***Please note that if you are over 15 minutes late for your appointment we may have to reschedule your service if it cannot be completed in the remaining time frame. All attempts to reschedule in a timely manner will be made. If we do not hear from you 15 or more minutes into your scheduled appointment time it is considered a “No Call, No Show” and will result in your deposit being forfeited.

*I do not accept outside fills for lash extensions. Book a full set of lash extensions under "Foreign Full Set" and a free removal service will be provided.

*Please do not bring additional guests unless discussed with me prior

*All services are non-refundable but I will be more than happy to schedule a corrective service free of charge. If you are discontent with your service/s, please express your concerns during the appointment or contact us within 48 hours. We are committed to making any corrections if it was a fault by the provider. The service must be a mistake from the service provider and not something the client might have changed their mind about (after we have performed the service).

**Grace Period (If there's a correction that needs to be made, the client should contact us as soon as possible):

  • Lash Extensions: 3 days after appointment

  • Brow Lamination: 2 days after appointment

  • Brow + Lash Tint: 2 days after appointment